Thursday, March 17, 2011
Twenty Minutes
For those of you who care about YA paranormal this seems like some silly guy activity. It is. And I love it. See you next week.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
GuestPost: Tatiana El Khouri
I call Tatiana's dating story, Cyber Spy. Here's Tatiana:
Tati: I was fresh out of college and anxious to delve into the business world as an entrepreneur. I soon discovered that holding down a job and pursuing my own art business left me with little time to date. One day I was talking to a friend and fellow business owner who had a burgeoning empire and a pretty good dating life. "How do you do it?" I asked. "How do you pursue your goals and still find the time to meet guys?"
Her answer was: "Online dating."
The hopeless romantic in me tried clinging to the notion that the man of my dreams would come riding into my life on a white horse. No way did I see him emailing into my life over the internet. Yet, after a little convincing, I found myself setting up my online profile. I have to admit, I was actually surprised at the caliber of guys and the ease of the process.
One day I got a message from a user who seemed great on paper. Amazing education and a great job. Shortly afterward we started talking on the phone. To my surprise, the chemistry was great. We found ourselves finishing each others sentences. At night I would go to sleep exhausted from hours of great conversations that ranged from random trivia, to my favorite movies, all the way to politics. I was quite impressed! We even found out we had some of the same friends. There was an uncanny sense of comfort.
I was on cloud nine. Until he slipped.
We were talking late one night and he asked if I was going to a specific event. Well, I was. But how did he know? I never mentioned it to him. Nor had I ever mentioned that group of friends. For the first time, I got a creepy chill. I couldn't figure out how he knew about the event. I questioned it a little, and then I let it slide.
However, the more I thought about, the more it bothered me. So what did I do? The only thing a girl could do... I Confronted him!
After much stalling he finally admitted to doing a background check on me. He said he was worried I wasn’t who I said I was. Bull! He did a background so that he could be perfect for me. No wonder he was finishing all my sentences. He had collected a dossier on me. The chemistry was fixed. I felt so duped!
Needless to say, I stopped returning his calls and emails. I ran into him a few years later at a party. He looked familiar but I couldn’t place him, until he asked how my art and my house was. I walked straight away from him to my girlfriend that recommended online dating in first place, and sarcastically thanked her for giving me a great story to tell.
Thanks Tatiana for sharing your story. If any of you reading this would like to be a guest and share your dating horror story with me, leave your contact info in the comments. All guests will receive a beautiful I Survived A Boyfriend From Hell t-shirt just for participating.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
We Have A Winner!

This cover design was not my first choice, mainly because it's a cartoon cover, and I like photographs. But after reading your responses I have to agree that it will stand out in a crowd. I hope those of you who didn't choose this cover will still support the book. It's a good, fun, paranormal read.
The two winners of the prizes for this contest are: Lulilut (who I believe has also won at least one of my Hollyweird Tuesday Trivia Challenges), and Pamela Kaye. You each win your choice of a Boyfriend From Hell ARC, or the lovely I Survived A Boyfriend From Hell t-shirt. Please send your prize preference and mailing address to me at The ARCs are not available yet, we are finishing up the final edit, so you will have to wait about a month or so. The t-shirts are available now.
Starting some time soon I will be having a series of guest posts from my friends and followers telling brief, humorous bad boyfriend experience stories. I have four guests lined up so far. If any of you would like to guest here and share your boyfriend experience please let me know in the comments. Leave your email, and I will tell you what you need to do. You don't have to limit it to boyfriends per se. It can be a bad date, a bad blind date, an idiot who annoyed you at a club, anything bad about a guy, but with a humorous spin. All guests whose stories I choose will receive the I Survived A Boyfriend From Hell tee just for participating.
Of course, all of these fun posts and contests are leading up to the publication of Boyfriend From Hell in September. Please, please, support the book.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Boyfriend From Hell Tee