Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sal Conte Rides Again!

As some of you know, when I was in college (a long, long time ago, but that's a story for another day) I wrote two horror novels I was lucky enough to get published. The books turned out to be horror classics: Child's Play and The Power.  The books were published by Dorchester Publishing under their Leisure paperback imprint.  I wrote the books under the pseudonym Sal Conte. After college, Sal went into retirement (or as he likes to say, I tried to kill him) and I got on with my career of writing for television.

But as Sal also likes to say "You can't keep a dead man down," and Sal is now back with new horrific thrills for you. Sal has released a brand new short story: Because We Told Her To. The early reviews are in and it seems Sal hasn't lost a step.  One reviewer called the new story CREEPTASTIC! another said: This story will leave you with chills down your spine.

Help me celebrate the return of Sal Conte by popping over to the story's Amazon page, reading the  five star reviews and grabbing a copy for yourself.  It's less than a buck, 99cents.  You can do that here: Because We Told Her To

I know some of you need a bit more persuading before plunking down your hard earned cash.  No problem, I've recorded a short audio excerpt from the book to entice you further.  Give a listen, and if that doesn't win you over, you've got no soul.

Seriously, if you like good horror, you'll soon be warning all your horror-loving friends to look out for The Twitter Sisters.  Go on, now.  Give a listen and then grab your copy.  I thank you, and Sal Conte does, too.

1 comment:

  1. I love a good horror book! (All of a sudden I'm thinking of the movies they used to show in school just before Halloween - Murder in the Rue Morgue and films like that.)
