While I have tested the waters with a few shorter works, and a novella under my pseudonym, Sal Conte, Moondancers is my first push into taking over all my publishing and marketing. I am very excited about it, although I must tell you, launching a book all by yourself is a lot of work. I'm sure many of you reading this are already self-published and are probably saying "Tell me something I don't know." I knew it was hard, but I didn't know it would be THIS hard. But I have to tell you, while I don't have any real sales yet (today February 15th is soft launch day), I am feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.
I think I've written a pretty good book. I found two excellent editors to tighten it up, and help proof read it. I I designed and created my own cover (something I have absolutely no skill at) buying stock at Shutterstock and creating the finished cover in Canva. I think I did a damn good job.
I think I've crafted a pretty good product description. My book launches on Amazon first, and within the next few weeks it will be on many other platforms. I did flirt with the idea of making it exclusive to Amazon's KDP program, but decided to see how the book fared in the world at large first. I can always circle back and make my book exclusive to Amazon at any time. For now, I can gather information on how to do a wide release. Information I will share with you.
I've been building up my mailing list (something I blog and tweet about), and have put together a kickass launch team from my list. The launch team has been charged with making sure the book has some reviews up on launch day. As of right now I have 22 mostly 4 and 5 star reviews. I've put together a marketing plan that goes into full swing mid-March. And I started implementing the plan over the past weekend.
So, here I am world, diving in head first into the deep end of self-publishing. I've been talking the talk, now it's time for me to walk the walk. I think I'm ready. I know I will fall on my face in some areas, but as long as I'm learning and growing, I'll be okay.
Want to go moondancing with me? If you're into paranormal and romance, and you'd like to check out my book's Amazon page, and maybe even buy a copy, here's the link. Even if you don't buy, I'd love to hear your questions and comments.
Here we go!